Monday, June 22, 2009


This is my first posting, so I'm just going to keep it short and to the point. The point being...I have nothing to blog about. No sorry...I'm just so excited to actually meet you guys in this page that I'm lost for words. No. No. I knew you wouldn't fall 4 that!

Well, I guess I'd do the fashionable thing and chalk it down to...yeah, u got it... WRITER'S BLOCK! At least that's the writer's prerogative + it doesn't have to be proven. The proof is already there. This ...... has nothing to write home about!

Talking about home....

What really is going on. I switch on the TV, and all I hear abt is "foreclosures", "home loans" etc. I don't know much abt all that stuff, but all I know is that some people can go ahead and live in homes they haven;t paid for, with added features like swimming pools, large backyards, etc... Some folks have it all.

My Landlord just served me with a QUIT NOTICE! He wants to convert his house to a hotel. Says those pay better in these days of ..... well, do I have to say it? The painful "R" word.

So right now, am almost without a HOME.

So you see where my BLOCK is coming from? I mean ... how would the creative juices flow?
And just where is the relationship btw global recession & ..... well tourism? Or is it that people are so depressed that they're spending their money on more ..... well....tourism & travel....recreation?....or....oh let's not be coy.....good old NOOKY?!
The old guy (my soon to be ex-landlord) is so fired up with enthusiasm about his new business idea. He actually showed me feasibility study reports. WOW! I think I've been in the wrong industry all this while.

No. Strike that. I enjoy thinking of myself as a struggling writer. It would make it all so worthwhile when I eventually make it to the top of the NY Times Bestseller List. Or when my first novel gets adapted as an oscar-winning screen play....Or when I win a pulitzer for writing the "Blockbuster of all times".........

What? Did you expect to see a LOL smiley inserted there? My pastor says if you can think it, you can be it. He doesn't really look my way whenever he says it, despite the fact that I always manage to snog a front row seat just behind the ever growing rows of VIP seats. But I believe him. We go way back. I knew him as a junior struggling minister, straight out of Bible School. I even edited most of his sermons until he could afford a professional Speech Writer who took an almost sadistic delight in pointing out my "errors". We never saw eye to eye - the Speech 'Writer", I mean - especially on the fact that he chose to view my highly creative insights as ..... well "errors". The pompous ..........( ).

Anyway, my pastor in turn knew me as a struggling and aspiring writer then. Now he's a successful and highly sought-after preacher who junkets the globe faster than you know. As for me, am still a ..... you supply the term.

So, I decided to unleash my unbridled creativity on my beloved fans. I suggest you make my acquaintance now, because my publicists and all other gofers like my future publishers may not be so inclined to let any new hanger-on snag a seat beside me in my Cessna or Gulfstream when I'm going on any of my future numerous tours.....

This is me, just musing, while my landlord's voice keeps breaking into my thoughts. He's supervising the masons and carpenters carrying out the renovation. Already plaster is spilling all over my keyboard. Now I'm very own "Slumdog Millionaire" epic on 20th Century Fox. "The Saga Of A Dream". Now that would make a lovely movie title, don't u think?........hmmm...mmhh.....just a thought.....Catch Ya!!


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